Category Digital Electronics

Welcome to our Digital Electronics category page, a dedicated space where the digital world comes to life. Here, we dive deep into the fascinating realm of digital electronics, unraveling the inner workings of binary logic, circuits, and digital systems. Whether you’re a curious beginner or a seasoned pro, this category is your gateway to a treasure trove of articles that explore the latest developments and foundational concepts in digital electronics.

Decoder & Encoder

Decoder Circuit Diagram
Decoder is a circuit which converts the digital signal into analog signal. Its input will be in digital form while the output will be a continuous sine wave or analog wave.

Chopper Amplifier

Chopper Amplifier
Let us assume that we are required to amplify a small signal say of the order of millivolt and that the signal v(t) is one in which change in volt with respect to time i.e.


The circuits in digital computers follow the logic of mind. Hence symbolic logic, invented by Boolean for solving logical problems, can be applied in the analysis and design of digital circuits.


FET Sampler Circuit
The signal that is fed to an A/D converter should be maintained constant during the conversion period. In case of an A.C.